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https://www.banderaprophet.com/250225_briefing_commissioners_court.html" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Click here to read about the most recent County Com after opening and reviewing sealed bids from contractors for the 1877 Courthouse and 1881 Jail project, Bandera County commissioners awarded the contract to AR6 Construction & Engineering.
Pct. 3 Commissioner Jack Moseley said AR6, of Spring Branch, was the lowest bidder at $1,100,800, and highest ranked by the committee, which included himself, County Engineer Dieter Werner and General Contractor Mike Boyle. Bob Brischetto, of Don’t Make Waste Bandera, said an average of 300 people bring their recycling to the Bandera collection site every Saturday. Of the more than 70 volunteers who have been recruited, 35 are currently trained and active, totaling 925-plus hours of onsite supervision and 693-plus hours of baling. Click here to read about more business that was conducted at the meeting.