We want our website to be the "one-stop" news service for Bandera County, where you can get links to local as well as national stories.
All free. All the time. We won't take money from our neighbors, businesses, or friends. We won't accept payment (even donations or gratuities) for ads. We won't post ads for a "for-profit" businesses either. Ever. YOU WILL NEVER SEE A poopy POPUP ad on this site. Ever.
However, we do 100% support our Bandera County non-profit organizations with free ads and publicity. They need our help, and we are proud to support our local non-profits with ads and with financial assistance.
We want most of our content to be of a positive nature to uplift our residents and visitors while being neutral politically. We will attempt to be "balanced" in political newz coverage. We will attempt to show all sides to politics and both sides of both major political parties. All content contributed or produced will follow this guideline. Our goal is to balance all the negative media with some positive. However, in few cases, what is perceived by many as a negative local story may be positive for some and it may be covered at the discretion of the Editor.
We live in a great area - surrounded by great people, great neighbors and great news!
We want to showcase our area, our residents, and our story.....with your help! Please click here now to send your information directly to us! Please bear in mind we do not publicize social media posts that are not newzworthy. Negativity can be found throughout social media and there are plenty of local groups and social media outlets for uncensored talk.
We do however, appreciate spirited debate. We just don't wish it to spiral downward to personal opinion or "hate talk". If you have a position, we want to hear it, but support it with credible news links that support that opinion from a credible news source. However, we will always reserve the right to remove negative or hurtful/comments from media we control. We are ALL BETTER than that.
All decisions on publication / non-publication are based on the editor's choice alone. The decision is made by the editor based on space, content, and potential reaction of our community.
Remember, this is very much a contribute-driven news site. YOU CAN
BE A REPORTER YOURSELF, by simply clicking on CONTACT US to send in information any time. We value your contribution.
Feel Free to Email Me Directly! CLICK HERE!